As treasurer, I want to us to have the best year possible! I have a few goals I'd like to implement for us to have a fantastic year.

Senior Field Trip
We never got our field trip to Yosemite, so I'd like to end our year off with a bang where we take a field trip to Boardwalk, or any other location that WE decide on.
Senior Spirit Store
To raise money, I want to open up a year-long spirit store where everyone can buy red-heart sunglasses, red beaded necklaces, red tutus, senior shirts, and more!

An Amazing Senior Prom
As treasurer, I'll procure the funds that ensure will be paying LESS for MORE and work with the CO team to find a venue and plan an event that everyone will enjoy!
FREE Events
Senior year is stressful, and I want to have free events such as finals study sessions, karaoke nights, game nights, movie nights, and more so we can destress.


Polls for Fundraisers
I want to utilize Instagram and Schoology to find out where everyone wants a fundraiser and when they want their fundraiser to maximize profit.
Snacks during HOCO
Homecoming is around four months away. During that time, I want to sell boba and other snacks for decs, planters, dances, and skit to raise money for all our events.

Polls for Senior Class Gift
Before we graduate, 2025 will give a parting gift to Lynbrook, and we can have a fundraiser and have polls to determine and purchase that gift.